Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Day in the Life Challenge: "The Long-Suffering Servant" -- by Lizzie Meddler

The Long-Suffering Servant
By Lizzie Meddler

Vlad! Vlaaaaaaad!”
I heard you the first time, Master. Shouting louder and stringing my name out like a hair removed from a bite of noodle won’t suddenly turn my hearing more acute, had I *not* heard you before.
What is so urgent this time anyway? Did your experiment escape again? I was certain that I had locked the double chains quite securely this time. We don’t want a repeat of last year’s All Hallow’s in Harrows Hamlet. They already tell stories of your foreboding manor, perched atop the ocean cliffs like a solitary bird of ill omen.
“Vlad! Are you even alive? Damn it, mongrel - come when I call! Vlaaaad!”
I will come, Master, as I always do; no need to twist your nose any more out of shape than it already is. Such a shame; I wager that it was a fine nose, once. Regal and strong; I believe society calls it a Roman nose. I don’t know how they know that Romans had noses like that. I don’t believe anyone has constructed a time capsule as of yet.
Oh blessings preserve us - is *that* what has gone amok, Master? Is that the cause of your bellowing my name in such a loudly plaintive fashion? I had thought you were in jest about that particular project, or I should have administered a forgetting tonic last night. Well, I suppose I must hurry down these stairs quicker then, mustn’t I?
Confound it, Master, why must your lair of nefarious schemes be *below* the ground level and my chambers so high up? I deeply appreciate the view, do not mistake me. It brightens my day to awake every morning to a vista of angry sea and to fall asleep to its tumultuous rumble. But these stairs - these confounded stairs - are ever so vexing when I’m in a hurry. Maybe we ought to revisit the idea of installing a lift box.
“Stir your stumps faster, Vlad! And bring a mop, damn it all! Bring a mop!”
Ah, so no failed time experiments or an escaped ponkeyman (I was always against stitching a pony, monkey, and human together; I’m glad we had to put it down). Something. . . .worse has happened; something messy and distasteful and horrendous. You have murdered someone again, haven’t you?
Really, Master, we talked about this. I am your devoted assistant; I will do the murdering and you shall focus on what is important - your diabolical schemes. You can never do the deed cleanly and that creates more work for my loyal self. I am not adverse to a bit of tidying up, mind, but I have so much to do already on a regular basis.
Look at today alone, for instance. Already I’m behind my usual schedule to feed the captives in the dungeon - you know how they rattle their chains when I’m late; it sets off your headaches - and I was meant to take the hydra out to play with the leviathan. Expressions of neglect on twenty heads is more than I can bear. The blood worms’ tank needs scrubbed, the vampire bats haven’t been out in two weeks, and I believe it is a full moon tonight, so I must release the werewolf to have his fun with the village children.
There is so much to do! And you’ve gone and murdered someone - ah, it simply will not do!
“Vlaaaaaad! Quickly! It’s getting all over the place! Ah! I can’t stand it! Such filth! It will never come out of the flagstones!”
What *have* you killed exactly? Blood isn’t so hard to scrub out - not with my special solvent solution - but if you’ve slain another vampire for medical research, I very well may quit.
But how is this? Where are you, Master? The laboratory is empty, the surgery as I left it the night past - all vital organs packed away and the body consigned to the ocean. You are not in the dungeons, surely, and the library is quite dark.
How odd - there is a light on in the kitchen. Ugh, there is a tremendously awful stench creeping from its maw. I see smoke - black smoke, as black as the depths of an abandoned well. Good heavens, what is this sticky goopy substance on the floor?
*What have you done?!*
“At last, Vlad! Help me this instant! Cooking is a nightmare - a veritable dark art for which even I am neither mad nor evil enough to master! Foul smoke and broth everywhere! I bow to you, Vlad my fine assistant, for grasping this art far better than I ever shall. You are clearly superior than I in demonic machinations.”
Yes, Master, I am where this is concerned. And as I am clearly the superior, *you* shall take the mop and clean your mess, and you will be glad that I am so lenient in my anger. I shall return to bed until you’ve done. And never again do I wish to see you in my kitchen, trying to cook, again.


  1. Oh my goodness, I'm dying! XD This is absolutely hilarious and the tone is perfect. :D Well done!! *applauds* (His list of things to do, though! XD)

  2. Oh my gosh, I love this so much. Like seriously, it just progressively gets better and better as we go along, and all the ridiculous things that poor Vlad is supposed to see to every day. And then of course, possibly my favorite part of all of this is the reveal at the end XD Brilliant!!

  3. This was a good story, and the ending was marvelously unexpected!


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